Achieve drug discovery breakthroughs faster
We empower pharma leaders worldwide to accelerate complex molecular simulations and screenings easily, at scale and on-demand.

Secure, Simple and Scalable Molecular Sims and Screens
One-click Opens Unlimited Possibilities
No special tech skills or infrastructure required to setup and to submit.
With one-click, GridMarkets' Envoy seamlessly integrates with NAMD, GROMACS, Amber and QuantumBio. Easily run molecular simulations and screenings with customized machine counts and configurations.

Accelerate Drug Discovery

Set-up and submit simulations in seconds.
Scale to Meet Demand
Choose machine counts and configs to meet your budget and timelines. Run simulations in parallel.
Licenses Included
We supply all simulation software licenses and tokens with no impact to your on-site resources.
No minimum or hidden costs; Pay only for what you use billed per machine-second.
Control Costs
Your data and simulation processing are secured end-to-end.
24x7 Support
Our global team of cloud engineers and computational chemists are available 24/7.
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